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Honey Rum

Regular price £42.00

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  • 70CL
  • 37.5% ABV
  • Made with real Salford Honey
  • Rose gold print bottle

Salford Honey Rum is the third addition to our range, made with a single origin pot and column distilled rum that is blended and bottled under 2 miles from our famous docks using real Salford honey from Bee Corner.


The result is a glorious, smooth honey rum with natural sweet and floral notes, which when coupled with the deep intensity of our rum creates a well-balanced flavour with notes of honeycomb, caramel and butterscotch. Salford Honey Rum is perfect served over ice on its own, or as a new twist on classic cocktails

Our honey rum is inspired by Caribbean rum and spice imports into Salford Docks during the early 1900s. It is a tribute to the local dock workers known as the worker bees and takes further inspiration from the 5 bees featured on the Salford coat of arms, representing the growth of the five industrial communities at the centre of our cities textile industry.

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